Marco and Mitzi

A love should be an all-in-one package. To support you when you are down. To keep you safe from harm..and most, someone who will stand by you..through thick..and thin..all for straight 14 years.

“I’m marrying my bestfriend, my first and only highschool sweetheart..”

Fully loaded with love.

Jc and Denise

Love knows no bounderies.No limit could ever keep love from growing more and more.Denise patient waits for the right one to come.

“1738 days life become better..”

Life suprises you with many thing if you could patiently wait.
True love happens.

Carlo and Karla

At the age of 17, they found each other..enjoying their youthful days..both learning from every challenges of life. This time, growing old together is what matters now.

Future will still keep them together.

Rex and Joanne

“Nothing came close when I met you..” most warming words to hear from your special someone is one of the most amazing feeling that gives you more reasons to be strong and be eager in planning ahead for your future together.

From now on, there will always be “us”.

Peter and Tonette | Wedding Highlights

When Yolanda typhoon strikes Tacloban Philippines, the news spread all over the world..concerned people from different countries visited and extended their help to reach out those who are affected. The main purpose of visiting here is purely to provide some support..a little comfort that means a lot to each and every person affected. This is the reason why Peter decide to come as a volunteer. He never thought that he would have found the love of his life upon visiting the Philippines…and there, he found Tonette wanting to help out..having the same feelings..

A beautiful LOVE STORY created and brought about by Yolanda.

Extra ordinary things happen..